Tangible Value
Intangible Assets

A Reliable and Dedicated Network for Your Global IP Needs

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Your Ideas Are Unique.
So Are Our Strategies.

Welcome to CH Phoon & Associates

CH Phoon is a modern, innovative, and award-winning boutique Intellectual Property and technology law firm in Malaysia. Our team is dedicated to providing relevant and effective solutions for our clients. We are sensitive to your needs and place your interests first above everything.

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Our Services

Our Values

Quality serves as the bedrock of our success. Most of our lawyers and professionals previously worked in Malaysian largest law firms and/or top tier IP practices and are highly experienced in handling complex and cross-border IP cases.

We specialize in crafting bespoke IP solutions for our clients, leveraging both our local knowledge and global mindset. Our unwavering dedication ensures the delivery of exceptional work, all at a fixed reasonable cost to you.

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Priceless Recognition, Endless Motivation

Get in touch with us

At CH Phoon & Associates, the first consultation with us is complimentary.
Feel free to reach out to us and schedule your consultation today.  

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