Sample of the work or creation (can be in the form of: printed materials, CD/USB (for software creation) and manual book)
Power of Attorney
Undertaking/ Declaration of the author(s) or creator(s)
Certified copy of Business registration certificate of applicant(s) (if the applicant isan enterprise) and certified copy of personal papers (identity card, passport)of the author(s) or creator(s) if the author(s) or creator(s) is the applicant(s)
Deed of Assignment executed by the author(s) or creator(s) if the applicant(s) is not the author(s) or creator(s)
Name, nationality and address of the applicant(s) and the author(s) or creator(s)
Type and title and brief descriptions of the copyright
Information on the first publication of the creation
Certificate of Registration
Application should be filed in Vietnamese